
Clinical Hypnosis

What is Clinical Hypnosis?
Clinical hypnotism is a safe and evidence-based therapeutic technique that leverages the power of focused attention to access the deeper layers of the mind. Victoria is a skilled practitioner who utilizes this method to help individuals overcome a variety of challenges, from managing stress and anxiety to breaking free from unwanted habits and behaviours.

Take the first step toward positive change and self-discovery. Explore the possibilities of clinical hypnotism and embark on a journey to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Uses and Benefits of Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical hypnosis has been scientifically validated as an effective treatment modality for a wide range of conditions and concerns. Some of the key uses and benefits include:
1. Stress Reduction: Hypnosis induces a state of deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress, tension, and anxiety. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can also teach individuals coping strategies and promote resilience in the face of stressors.
2. Pain Management: Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in reducing both acute and chronic pain. Through hypnotic suggestion and visualization techniques, individuals can experience relief from pain, improve their pain tolerance, and enhance their overall quality of life.
3. Behavioural Change: Whether you're looking to quit smoking, lose weight, or overcome unwanted habits, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for facilitating behavioural change. By targeting the subconscious patterns and beliefs that drive behaviour, hypnosis helps individuals break free from self-sabotaging patterns and adopt healthier habits.
4. Phobias: Hypnosis can help individuals overcome phobias, irrational fears, and anxiety disorders by desensitizing negative associations and instilling a sense of calm and control. Through guided imagery and suggestion, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to confront their fears and reclaim their sense of agency.
5. Improving Self-Esteem and Confidence: Hypnosis can be used to enhance self-esteem, confidence, and self-image. By addressing underlying beliefs and inner obstacles, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to cultivate a positive self-concept, embrace their strengths, and unlock their full potential.
6. Enhancing Performance: Whether you're an athlete, artist, or professional, hypnosis can help optimize performance and overcome performance anxiety. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can instill confidence, focus, and mental clarity, allowing individuals to perform at their peak.

Are you ready to experience the transformative benefits of clinical hypnosis?
Book your free 30 min consultation to discover if hypnosis is right for you.

Hypnosis for Animals

What is Surrogate Hypnosis for Animals?

Surrogate hypnosis for animals is a therapeutic technique that involves inducing a hypnotic state in a human surrogate, who then serves as a conduit for transmitting healing energy and positive suggestions to the animal. This process allows trained hypnotherapists to interact with the subconscious mind of the animal, addressing various behavioral, emotional, and physical issues.

How Does it Work?

During a surrogate hypnosis session, the animal owner or a designated surrogate human relaxes in a comfortable position while the hypnotherapist guides them through relaxation techniques and hypnotic suggestions. Through the power of intention and mental connection, the hypnotherapist communicates with the subconscious mind of the animal, facilitating positive changes and promoting overall well-being.

Benefits of Surrogate Hypnosis for Animals

Surrogate hypnosis offers a wide range of benefits for animals, including:

  1. Behavioral Modification: Addressing issues such as anxiety, aggression, fear, and compulsive behaviors.
  2. Emotional Healing: Helping animals overcome past traumas, grief, and separation anxiety, fostering emotional balance and resilience.
  3. Physical Wellness: Alleviating pain, accelerating recovery from injuries or surgeries, and supporting overall physical health.
  4. Enhanced Bonding: Deepening the bond between animals and their human companions, promoting mutual understanding and communication.

Why Choose Surrogate Hypnosis?

  • Non-Invasive: Surrogate hypnosis is a gentle and non-invasive approach to animal wellness, suitable for animals of all ages and species.
  • Holistic: This holistic modality addresses the root causes of issues, rather than just treating symptoms, promoting long-lasting healing and well-being.
  • Customized: Each surrogate hypnosis session is tailored to the unique needs and sensitivities of the animal, ensuring personalized care and attention.
  • Natural: Surrogate hypnosis harnesses the innate healing powers of the mind-body connection, supporting the natural healing process in animals.
Book your free 30 min consultation to discover if surrogate hypnosis is right for you and your beloved animal.

Spiritual Journey Hypnosis

Embark on a transformative exploration of your inner self through Spiritual Journey Hypnosis. Victoira's unique approach combines the profound benefits of hypnosis with spiritual exploration, offering a pathway to healing, self-discovery, and connection with the spiritual realms.

Discover the Benefits
Experience profound transformation and growth as you embark on your spiritual journey through hypnosis:
1. Healing and Release: Uncover and address deep-seated emotional wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs, facilitating healing and inner peace.
2. Self-Exploration: Gain profound insights into your true essence, purpose, and potential, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.
3. Spiritual Connection: Establish meaningful connections with your spirit guides, higher self, and even loved ones who have passed, receiving guidance and support from the spiritual realms.
4. Access Akashic Records: Explore the Akashic Records, the universal repository of all souls' experiences, to gain clarity, insight, and guidance on your life's journey.
5. Communication with Higher Self: Speak directly to your higher self, tapping into its infinite wisdom, love, and guidance to navigate life's challenges and align with your soul's purpose.

Journey to the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records hold the collective wisdom and experiences of all souls throughout time and space. Through Spiritual Journey Hypnosis, you can access this profound source of knowledge and insight to:
- Gain clarity on your life's purpose and path.
- Understand past-life connections and patterns influencing your present reality.
- Receive guidance and support on current life challenges and decisions.

Meet Your Spirit Guides
Spirit guides are enlightened beings who offer guidance, wisdom, and support from the spiritual realms. During Spiritual Journey Hypnosis sessions, you can:
- Establish connections with your spirit guides.
- Receive messages, insights, and guidance from your guides.
- Develop a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey and life's purpose.

Speak to Your Higher Self
Your higher self is the divine aspect of your being, embodying pure wisdom, love, and truth. Through Spiritual Journey Hypnosis, you can:
- Establish direct communication with your higher self.
- Receive guidance, clarity, and perspective on life's challenges and decisions.
- Align with your soul's purpose and highest potential.

Contact Loved Ones Who Have Passed
Spiritual Journey Hypnosis offers a unique opportunity to connect with loved ones who have transitioned to the spiritual realm. During sessions, you can:
- Facilitate communication with departed loved ones.
- Receive messages, love, and closure from those who have passed.
- Experience healing, comfort, and peace knowing that love transcends physical boundaries.

Begin Your Spiritual Journey Today
Are you ready to embark on a profound inner journey of healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth? Discover the transformative power of Spiritual Journey Hypnosis and unlock the infinite potential within you. Contact Victoria today to schedule a session and start your journey toward greater understanding, healing, and connection.

Book your free 30 min consultation to discover if hypnosis is right for you.