Throughout my entire life, I've grappled with anxiety, a constant state that first appeared in my childhood, tormenting my nights with a racing mind and fearful anticipation of the next day. As I graduated university and transitioned into the corporate world, that anxiety transferred its focus to performing at work – the pressure to excel, to climb the ladder, to impress both clients and superiors became overwhelming. My mind seemed in a perpetual state of overdrive, hyper-aware of every detail, incessantly seeking problems to solve.

Looking for an escape, I left the corporate world, finding some relief through regular massages, which inspired me to pursue a career shift into massage therapy. However, this transition only created further anxiety – concerns about sustaining my own business, attracting and satisfying clients, and grappling with feelings of inadequacy plagued me. Turning to advice from various spiritual sources, including new age teachings, meditation, and the law of attraction, proved useless. If I was supposedly in control of my reality, why was I subjecting myself to such overwhelming anxiety?

Simple remedies like deep breathing and affirmations felt like futile pursuits in the face of my relentless mental chatter. Meditation seemed an impossible task with a mind as restless and vigilant as mine. Yet, I persisted, attempting various techniques to no avail, feeling as though I was on a runaway train of anxious thoughts.

Then, I stumbled upon hypnosis – not self-hypnosis, (which proved ineffective given my active mind), but the practice of using hypnosis to help others. Helping others had always been a driving force behind my restless mind; perhaps aiding others could also aid in my own healing. Delving into the study of hypnosis, I discovered its transformative power, realizing that it wasn't a one-time fix but rather a skill to be honed and developed over time.

Under the guidance of a professional, I noticed significant changes in my life – my mind became calmer, more relaxed, less reactive. I came to understand that the patterns of behaviour governing my actions, reactions, and thoughts were akin to background programs running on autopilot in my unconscious mind. Hypnosis provided the means to shut off those programs, like disabling background app refresh on a smartphone, allowing me to reboot my mental processes.

This understanding changed my perspective – I didn't need to silence my mind; I needed to dismantle the programs fuelling its unproductive frenzy. Each session brought incremental progress as I deactivated these useless patterns, allowing my mind to embrace creativity, compassion, and empowerment. While the journey is far from over, and I continue to confront and disarm these programs, I've witnessed a gradual reduction in intrusive thoughts and reactions.

When people express skepticism about hypnosis, citing the strength of their own minds, I offer a different perspective – a strong mind is precisely what's needed for hypnosis, as it enables one to engage deeply in the process. In embracing this journey, I've come to realize the power within me to rewrite the script of my own mind, one program at a time.